History of Life Between Lives® Spiritual Regression
Michael Newton developed the technique involved in bringing clients to the Spiritual Realm of Life Between Lives. He was a pioneer in uncovering the esoteric meaning of this dimension. Over a span of twenty-five years and sessions with 7,000 clients, he was able to develop a model of that time and place between lives utilizing Spiritual Regression.
The Michael Newton Institute carries on his tradition of research into the spiritual realm by guiding clients to their highest vibrational energy. Certified LBL Therapists utilize a prescribed set of techniques developed by Dr. Newton to bring clients to a very deep level of hypnosis where clients can access this level of spiritual connectedness. Clients become acquainted with their very soul self.
Sue received her training in the methods and techniques developed by Dr. Newton in the fall of 2019 on Gabriola Island, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She is a fully certified Life Between Lives® Regression therapist.
Tell me more about an LBL
A client must undergo a Past-Life Regression with Sue prior to having a Life Between Lives session. Dr Newton established this requirement in order that both the client and facilitator would be comfortable knowing the client was able to enter into a sufficient level of trance to make the Life Between Lives® Spiritual Regression. The Past-Life Regression lasts about two hours and costs $300. The LBL Regression lasts between three and five hours and costs $650.
If you are interested in an amazing spiritual journey, please contact me by email or telephone to secure your appointment.
For more information on Lives Between Lives®, please see the Newton Institute website: https: www.newtoninstitute.org
my profile link: https://www.newtoninstitute.org/profile/suejoysobota