2025 Past Life Regression (Module II)
This course is designed for certified hypnotists who want to learn the art of facilitating past-life regressions. Sue will be teaching an on-line six-day past-life regression course. The dates are April 25 - 27 and May 2 - 4. We will meet from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.
After the completion of Module 2 (pre-requisite is Module 1 or equivalent), students will receive a Student Membership in the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT). This membership is valid for six months. After the successful completion and acceptance of the IACT exam, all homework assignments and case study reviews, I will upgrade your membership to being Certified by the IACT as a CH (Certified Hypnotist) or CHt (Certified Hypnotherapist), your choice. This affords you a listing in their on-line Directory. You will also be eligible to request a Specialty Certification for Past Life Regression ($45) from the IACT.
Please email me for the Class Registration Forms email me
Further information: contact the Labyrinth Center by telephone, mail or email me
About Your Instructor: Sue Joy-Sobota, CHt, ACI
Sue is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists as an advanced hypnotherapist and as an advanced instructor of hypnosis. Sue is also certified by the IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) as a hypnotist and instructor of Transpersonal Hypnosis and Past Life Regression. She is the Director of the Labyrinth Center in Madison, Wisconsin, Lakewood Ranch, Florida, and Englewood, Colorado, where she maintains a private practice.